You can make do with shared hosting services when your web site is just taking off. However, as your site evolves and thus manages to attract more and more people, you probably should consider moving it over to a VPS hosting service local to your target market. For example, if your market is people in the UK, a UK VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting service would be the best choice.

In comparison with shared hosting, VPS web hosting provides for full control over your hosting setup. This allows the web master to choose exactly which components they require in order to offer up services to their users.

Resource Segregation

With VPS hosting, a single server can be virtually segregated making use of software, so that it becomes individual VPS servers. Each virtual server is separate to any other VPS on the system. In other words, the performance of the website on one virtual server will not interrupt web sites on other virtual servers. When you are using a virtual private server, the hosting company gives you dedicated resources such as:

  • memory
  • processor
  • bandwidth
  • disk space

Each VPS package usually comes with different amounts of each of the above component. Using a VPS allows you to not only provide hosting services, but any other service you can think of due to its highly configurable nature. This is often compared to having a dedicated server, which in many ways a VPS is as good as, if not better.

Dedicated Servers

There are some cases where a dedicated server would be better suited, such as when you have very high resources requirements (e.g. huge amounts of RAM and disk space). In many cases, it is more economical to use dedicated servers hosting instead.